Nonprofit Roundtable Meeting
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 (11:30 AM - 12:30 PM) (EDT)
Registration is closed.
This meeting is exclusively for Nonprofit Chamber of Commerce members.
Join us on Tuesday, April 23rd, from 11:30-12:30 PM for a Nonprofit Roundtable Meeting Luncheon. This meeting will be held upstairs at Story & Song Center for Arts and Culture, located at 1430 Park Avenue in Fernandina Beach. A boxed lunch will be included in the cost of attending.
The purpose of the Nonprofit Roundtable Meeting is to bring nonprofit leaders and staff members together to network, discuss common challenges, share helpful resources, and find opportunities to collaborate with one another.
Nonprofit Members- $20
The Nonprofit Roundtable Meeting is free for Chamber members and is unavailable for prospective members. Advanced registration is required.
To attend events either at no cost or at a reduced rate, your employer must be a current member of the Chamber, and you must be listed as a bona fide contact for that business. Nonprofit organizations with paid employees may designate those employees as contacts to attend events; nonprofits run solely by volunteers may designate only one contact to attend events.
Are you interested in joining the Nassau County Chamber of Commerce? Have questions? Contact Cathy Licwinko, Partnership Development Manager at (904) 261-3248 or at Cathy@NassauCountyFLChamber.com for information.
To sign up for text message reminders click here.
1430 Park Ave.
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 United States