Westside LunchMob at Junior's Seafood Restaurant & Grill
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 (11:30 AM - 1:00 PM) (EDT)
Open to all Nassau County Chamber Members, we invite you to our monthly Westside LunchMob. Encouraging ALL Chamber Members to attend and strengthen business relationships throughout the County in a relaxed setting.
Join us on Wednesday, May 15th from 11:30-1:00 PM for this month's Westside LunchMob. This month's luncheon will be held at Junior's Seafood Restaurant & Grill, located at 450061 State Road 200 in Callahan.
Attendees will enjoy time for short introductions to the group and casual networking over your lunch break (payment for lunch due upon ordering at location).
Cost: Lunch/$25 + Lunch
Westside LunchMob is free for Chamber members with the responsibility of paying for your own lunch and and additional $25.00 for prospective members to be deducted from dues should you choose to join within seven (7) days. Limit of three (3) Prospective Member registrations prior to joining. Advanced payment and registration are always preferred.
To attend events either at no cost or at a reduced rate, your employer must be a current member of the Chamber, and you must be listed as a bona fide contact for that business. Nonprofit organizations with paid employees may designate those employees as contacts to attend events; nonprofits run solely by volunteers may designate only one contact to attend events.
To sign up for text message reminders click here.
450061 SR-200
Callahan, FL 32011 United States
26 See Attendee List